
Kiinteistö Oy Kummatti has about 900 rental housing units within the city of Raahe. Rentals are located in area Kummatti, in the center of Raahe and in Pattijoki.
The company’s business is divided into construction and hosting. The unit’s mission is to ensure high-quality, reasonably priced and competitive rental housing availability Raahe in the city.

  • The largest shareholder is the city of Raahe, which owns 97.89% of the share capital.
  • Net sales of about 5 million €.
  • Three units: management, property maintenance and cleaning
  • A total of 11 employees


Rautaruukki Raahe income in the early 60s gave birth to a wave of migration, which resulted in Raahe population began to rise sharply. New homes needed for fast and high-rise apartment in the first 30 Spring Street 6 A, whichever was completed in 1966. Over the decades, the buildings grew steadily. Kummatti real estate company founded in 1987, when the housing stock consisted of approximately 570 residential units and 1,360 residential units at its best.


All core competencies support functions, one of the biggest challenges is preparing for the future needs of the mm. will be automated building systems, alternative energy sources, sustainable development into account in all activities, innovative, internationally expanding customer base, and information technology / software to use the opportunities.

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